Peer-reviewed Journal publications
Buchs, G., Haimler, B., Kerem, M., Maidenbaum, S., Braun, L., & Amedi, A. (2021). A self-training program for sensory substitution devices. PLoS One, 16(4), e0250281.
Kunz L*, Maidenbaum S*, Chen D*, Wang L, Jacobs J & Axmacher N (2019). Mesoscopic neural representations in spatial navigation. Trends in Cognitive Science. link
Maidenbaum, S., Miller, J., Stein, J. M., & Jacobs, J. (2018). Grid-like hexadirectional modulation of human entorhinal theta oscillations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(42), 10798-10803. link
Amedi, A., Hofstetter, S., Maidenbaum, S., & Heimler, B. (2017). Task selectivity as a comprehensive principle for brain organization. Trends in cognitive sciences, 21(5), 307-310. Link
Buchs, G., Simon, N., Maidenbaum, S., & Amedi, A. (2017). Waist-up protection for blind individuals using the EyeCane as a primary and secondary mobility aid. Restorative neurology and neuroscience, 35(2), 225-235. link
Maidenbaum S, Buchs G, Abboud S, Lavi-Rotbain O & Amedi A. (2016) Perception of Graphical Virtual Environments by Blind Users via Sensory Substitution. PloS one link
Sigalov N, Maidenbaum S, Amedi A (2016) Reading in the dark: Neural correlates and cross modal plasticity for learning to read entire words without visual experience. Neuropsychologia 2016 link
Levy-Tzedek, S., Maidenbaum, S., Amedi, A. & Lackner, J., (2016) Aging and Sensory Substitution in a Virtual Navigation Task. PloS one, 11(3), p.e0151593. link
Buchs G, Maidenbaum S, Levy-Tzedek S & Amedi A. (2015) Integration and binding in rehabilitative sensory substitution: increasing resolution using a new Zooming- In approach. Restorative neurology and neuroscience. link
Chebat, D. R., Maidenbaum, S., & Amedi, A. (2015) Navigation using sensory substitution in real and virtual mazes. PloS one, 10(6), e0126307. 2015 link
Abboud S, Maidenbaum S, Dehaene S & Amedi A. A number-form area in the blind. Nature Communications 2014 link
Maidenbaum S, Chebat DR, Levy-Tzedek S, Namer-Furstenberg R & Amedi A. (2014) The Effect of Expanded Sensory Range via the EyeCane Sensory Substitution Device on the Characteristics of Visionless Virtual Navigation. Multi-Sensory Research link
Maidenbaum S, Hanassy S, Abboud S, Buchs G, Chebat DR, Levy-Tzedek S & Amedi A. (2014) The “EyeCane”, a new electronic travel aid for the blind: Technology, behavior & swift learning. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. link
Maidenbaum S, Abboud S, Amedi A. (2014) Sensory substitution: Closing the gap between basic research and widespread practical visual rehabilitation. Neurobiological Biobehavioral Reviews. link
Abboud S, Hanassy S, Levy-Tzedek S, Maidenbaum S, Amedi A. (2013) EyeMusic: Introducing a “visual” colorful experience for the blind using auditory sensory substitution. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience. link
Maidenbaum S, Levy-Tzedek S, Chebat DR, Amedi A. (2013) Increasing Accessibility to the Blind of Virtual Environments, Using a Virtual Mobility Aid Based On the "EyeCane": Feasibility Study. PloS
Levy-Tzedek S, Novick I, Arbel R, Abboud S, Maidenbaum S, Vaadia E, Amedi A. (2012) Cross-sensory transfer of sensory-motor information: visuomotor learning affects performance on an audiomotor task, using sensory-substitution. Scientific Reports; 2:949 link
Levy-Tzedek S, Hanassy S, Abboud S, Maidenbaum S, Amedi A. (2012) Fast, accurate reaching movements with a visual-to-auditory sensory substitution device. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience; 30; 313-323 link
Reich L, Maidenbaum S & Amedi A. (2011) The brain as a flexible task machine: implications for visual rehabilitation using noninvasive vs. invasive approaches. Current Opinions in Neurology link
Peer-reviewed Conference papers
Maidenbaum S, Patel A, Stein E & Jacobs J (2019). Spatial Memory Rehabilitation in Virtual Reality: Extending from Epilepsy Patients to the General Population. In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR) Best Paper award
Maidenbaum S, & Amedi A (2019). Standardizing Visual Rehabilitation using Simple Virtual Tests. In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR)
Chebat, D. R., Maidenbaum, S., & Amedi, A. (2017). The transfer of non-visual spatial knowledge between real and virtual mazes via sensory substitution. In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR)
Maidenbaum, S. (2015) Sensory Substitution Training for users who are blind with Dynamic stimuli, Games and virtual environments. In proceedings of ACME Assistive Technology (ASSETS)
Maidenbaum, S., & Amedi, A. (2015). Non-visual virtual interaction: Can Sensory Substitution generically increase the accessibility of Graphical virtual reality to the blind?. In proceedings of 3rd IEEE VR International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Assistive Technology (VAAT), (pp. 15-17)
Maidenbaum S*, Arbel A*, Shapira S, Buchs G, Amedi A. (2014) Vision through other senses: practical use of Sensory Substitution devices as assistive technology for visual rehabilitation. In proceedings of 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (pp. 182-187)
Buchs G*, Maidenbaum S*, Amedi A. Obstacle Identification and Avoidance Using the ‘EyeCane’. (2014) In proceedings of EuroHaptics
Maidenbaum S, Chebat DR, Levy-Tzedek S, Amedi A. (2014) Depth-To-Audio Sensory Substitution for Navigation in Virtual Environments. In proceedings of International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction
Maidenbaum S & Amedi A. (2014) Sensory Substitution and Augmentation – what's happening "under the hood" in our brain? In proceedings of ACM Assistive Augmentation workshop (at CHI)
Other peer reviewed conference proceedings (e.g. posters accompanied by a peer reviewed paper)
Halperin, Y., Buchs, G., Maidenbaum, S., Amenou, M., & Amedi, A. (2016). Social sensing: A Wi-Fi based social sense for perceiving the surrounding people. In Proceedings of the ACM 7th Augmented Human International Conference 2016 (p. 42).
Maidenbaum S, Amedi A. (2015) Blind in a Virtual World: Mobility-Training Virtual Reality Games for Users who are Blind. In Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality
Buchs, G., Maidenbaum, S., Amedi, A., & Levy-Tzedek, S. (2015). Virtually zooming-in with sensory substitution for blind users. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR) (pp. 133-134)
Buchs, G., Maidenbaum, S., & Amedi, A. (2015, March). Augmented non-visual distance sensing with the EyeCane. In Proceedings of the ACM 6th Augmented Human International Conference (pp. 209-210).
Maidenbaum S, Abboud S, Buchs G, Levy-Tzedek S, Amedi A. (2014) Demonstrating the EyeCane & EyeMusic Sensory Substitution Devices. In Proceedings of ACM Assistive Augmentation workshop (CHI workshop)
Maidenbaum, S. (2015). Practical Sensory Substitution In Real And Virtual Worlds: Development, Accessibility And Neuroscience. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 211-214) (CHI).
Maidenbaum, S., Chebat, D. R., Levy-Tzedek, S., & Amedi, A. (2014). Navigation patterns and spatial perception with and without vision using assistive technology for the blind. Journal of Vision, 14(10), 1355-1355.
Baumer, E. P. …, Maidenbaum S,…, & Yip, J. (2014). CHI 2039: speculative research visions. In Proceedings of the 32rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). (pp. 761-770).
Maidenbaum S, Chebat DR, Levy-Tzedek S, Amedi A. (2014) Blind in a Virtual World: Vision-deprived Virtual Navigation Patterns Using Depth Cues and The Effect of Extended Sensory Range. In Proceedings of the 32rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI).
Maidenbaum S, Arbel R, Abboud S, Chebat D R, Levy-Tzedek S, Amedi A (2012) Virtual 3D shape and orientation discrimination using point distance information, Proceedings of the 9th Intl Conf. Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies (ICDVRAT)
Book chapters
Chebat, D.R., Harrar, V., Kupers, R., Maidenbaum, S., Amedi, A. & Ptito, M. (2018) Sensory substitution and the neural correlates of navigation in blindness. In Mobility of Visually Impaired People (pp. 167-200). Springer, Cham. link
Maidenbaum S, & Amedi A. (2012) Applying Plasticity to Visual Rehabilitation in Adulthood. Plasticity in Sensory Systems (pp. 229-255) link