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Some other cool stuff...


Beyond my regular research in the Amedi lab, i am also involved in several other scientific projects:
1. Science Communication


Over the past years i have given many lectures to the public about my research and about brain science in general to crowds ranging from 1st graders, through students at advanced religious programs to attendees of Sci-Fi conventions.

I also competed in the "Fame-Lab" competition and was ranked 2nd nationally.


2. Digital Humanities & Applied Neuroscience

Another topic i am pasionate about is harnessing the power of modern computer science tools for researching questions usually confined to the humanities. For example, i used social network analysis tools to try and explore the relationships between the sages in ancient Jewish texts, a project which became both a paper and an art exhibit.

Another aspect to this is the exploration of how modern understanding of the brain might impact age-old conceptions, especially within the framework of Jewish law.

For example, i wrote several papers exploring the implications of cognitive neuroscience and the way space is currently considered to be represented in the brain on the definitions of space within Jewish Law, or exploring whether vision via others senses, such as when using SSDs, should legally qualify as vision within the context of ancient Jewish law.


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